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"If music be the food of love, play on!" - William Shakespeare

Dasha Beets

With a voice and irrepressible style which have capturedthe imaginations of audiences and criticsalike in Europe,Asia, Russia and the United States, Dasha Beets is poisedto secure a defining placeamong the most importantandoriginal jazz vocalists of our time.Born in 1986, Ukraine to musical parents–her mother avocal teacher and her father a jazz trumpetplayer–DASHA BEETS began studying classical piano at the ageof 7. She eventually graduated in2007 from the MoscowConservatory in Jazz Vocals. She went on to pursue herpost-graduate studiesat the Royal Conservatory in TheHague, the Netherlands, earning her Masters degree inJazz Vocalsin 2013. Since then, she has shared the stagewith such notable musical artistsas Rita Reys, SheilaJordan, Mike le Donne, Ack van Rooyen, Martijn van Iterson, Peter Beets, the legendary Ruud Jacobsand JoeCohn.In addition to her unique interpretations of cherishedstandards of the Great American Songbook,DASHA isalso a composer in her own right and has gainedunqualified acclaim for her captivatingcompositions inperformances at major jazz festivals throughout theNetherlands, Belgium andGermany. She made her NewYork debut in 2010, performing at Manhattan’s iconicjazz venue,Birdland, accompanied by the Steve Firthtrio.Recently she has turned her attention to the timelessanduniversally appealing music of Johann Sebastian Bach,creating jazz improvisations of some ofthe composer’smost lyrical works. Her latest album, “Bach...because,”is set to be released in April,2022.

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Dasha Beets